Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Howdy ya'll,

Thought I would share some pictures of Sweetwater, my small old west town. It took me awhile to finally get these done, but after I started it went quickly. The buildings and minis are from 15mm Bluemoon. I like them a lot. Once done they look nice and stand up to handling well. The roofs are removable and if you're motivated enough, Bluemoon has a furniture pack so you can do the interiors. I am not motivated enough I guess. The only interior I did was in the saloon.

Hope you like Sweetwater. Hopefully there will be some action there soon...

regards, Bill


  1. That is very cool and in 15mm looks really great at a decent price.

    1. Thanks, I appreciate the kind words. I actually got most of the stuff from a sale on TMP for dirt cheap. 15mm is the way to go with prices being what they are for the larger offerings on the market.
