Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Pulp Alley!

I had bought the Pulp Alley rules  a few years ago, but I never got around to buying figures let alone playing the rules. Then they recently had a Kickstarter which reinvigorated my interest. I jumped in on it (it being "The Lost World of Lemuria") and bought some Coppertone and Artizan pulp miniatures from Ebay and some from Pulp Alley themselves. In all cases the quality of the minis is superb. There was very little clean up involved for preparation for painting. To top it all off, Pulp Alley delivered on the Kickstarter two (2) months EARLY. Yeah, that is incredible. I waited two years for delivery once, and that from a large established manufacturer. Dave at Pulp Alley is a class act. He supports the rules completely and produces a very high quality minis to boot. Anyway, here are some photos of the minis I painted so far. I hope you like them.

Thanks for looking. And to quote Dave at Pulp Alley, "Have fun!".

regards, Bill


  1. That's some lovely painting there. Great work!

    Yes, Pulp Alley is one splendidly supported set of rules, and are a splendid set of rules themselves. They've piqued the interest of my non-gaming wife with their focus on plot-driven action over simple shoot-em-ups, and are so simple to use for veteran and newcomer alike.

    1. Thanks. Funny, my wife likes gaming as long as she can shoot up stuff and push minis around. Hopefully, I can get her to play this weekend. If not, there is always solo play...

    2. ...which is pretty much what I've been doing while I tempt mine into playing! It works very well as a solo game.

      If your terrain is anything like the quality of your painting, though, I shouldn't think you'd have any problem getting your other half involved - with plenty of B-movie-like action in the rules and a good set up, it should be enough to ensnare anyone's attention!

  2. Looking good, I have to wait a bit to paint my robots, we are in the middle of a move...

  3. Brilliant work on the minis! (I like the little touches like the screens on the robots; great job on the eyes on the humans, to, and good colors and blending all around)

    I only have one (solo) play of Pulp Alley under my belt, but I'm looking forward to using the rules for a few different games (sci-fi, musketeers, etc.). The one game I played so far was a sci-fi one, and was fun.

    1. Thanks! I appreciate the encouraging words. Truth be told, the only eyes I did were on the Indy character, the pilot and Pulp Girl. And all I did was a black dot. The rest is just a P3 flesh wash. It speaks to quality of the Pulp Alley miniatures that the eyes have such detail.

      I haven't been able to get them on the table yet. But I'll be playing solo when I do. My wife will play, but only rarely. She does encourage me to dive in though. I was thinking of using the rules for other periods as well.

      I'll post an ARR when I finally get a game in...

      regards, Bill
